Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 8, Issue : 2, Year : 2022
Article Page : 42-44
Tongue tie otherwise called as Ankyloglossia is a developmental anomaly commonly characterized by a very short lingual frenulum that literally restricts the movements of tongue from the floor of mouth. An uncommon thick band extending beneath the ventral surface of tongue to floor of the mouth. This represents a uncommon length of the lingual frenulum. This causes problems in daily life of the person who was affected with the following difficulties of speech, deglutition, poor oral hygiene etc. This article reports a 19 year college going guy came to the department with the complaint of difficulty in speech and poor oral hygiene. The case was successfully treated with a soft tissue diode laser and followed up.
Keywords: Lingual frenulum, Tongue tie, Ankyloglossia, Soft tissue diode laser
How to cite : Cader S A, Suresh S, Sudhakar U, Mithradas N, Fathima S, Ravindran N, A minimally invasive surgical approach for treatment of ankyloglossia (Tounge Tie) with diode laser: A case report (A developmental anomaly). IP Int J Maxillofac Imaging 2022;8(2):42-44
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Received : 02-06-2022
Accepted : 10-06-2022
Viewed: 1330
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