Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 8, Issue : 3, Year : 2022
Article Page : 106-110
Eagle’s syndrome is a condition associated with the elongation of the styloid process or calcification of the stylohyoid ligament, clinically characterised by throat and neck pain, radiating into the ear. A styloid process is considered elongated or abnormal when it exceeds a normal length of 25-27 mm. However, elongation of the ossified styloid ligament is insufficient for diagnosing Eagle’s syndrome. Instead, a constellation of symptoms in history, as mentioned above, and physical and radiographic examinations contribute to diagnosis. In this report, we describe the case of a 71-year-old man who presented with long standing orofacial pain due to unilateral elongated styloid process on the right side.
Keywords: Eagle's syndrome, Styloid process, Orofacial pain
How to cite : Jhunjhunwala M, Salgia M, Divya V, Ganesh C, Shanthi M, Eagle’s syndrome –A case report. IP Int J Maxillofac Imaging 2022;8(3):106-110
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Received : 09-08-2022
Accepted : 18-08-2022
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