Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 9, Issue : 3, Year : 2023
Article Page : 125-131
Background: Several imaging techniques are adopted by clinicians in day-to-day practice amongst which clinical diagnosis and conventional radiography are been relied on mostly. However, owing to the high radiation exposure and other shortcomings of computed tomography or MRI, Ultrasonography has emerged as an effective method of choice for diagnosis.
Materials and Methods: 40 patients were selected for the study among the patients visiting the department at the Department of Dentistry, NRS Medical College and Hospital. All the patients of the study group were examined clinically and radiographically followed by Ultrasonography and Color Doppler was performed by ultrasound machine (SIEMENS- G50) Collected data were analysed by means of statistical software Statistical Package for Social Sciences STATA-15. ANOVA test was done to compare the Radiographical diagnosis and USG, further association has been checked between two variables.
Results: It was observed that USG diagnosis had a sensitivity and specificity of 100% & 86.9% respectively with an accuracy of 98.6% compared to clinical diagnosis & had a sensitivity and specificity of 100% & 86.9% respectively with an accuracy of 98.6% compared to radiographic diagnosis.
Conclusion: Real-time USG with high frequency transducers can suggestively enhance the assessment of various head and neck pathological lesions and can thus be used as a supplement in clinical examination of patients to deduce a confirmatory diagnosis.
Keywords: Diagnostic accuracy, Sensitivity, Specificity, USG, Ultrasonography, Odontogenic pathologies
How to cite : Giri D, Agarwal N, Sinha A, Iqbal H, Comparative evaluation of the efficacy of clinical diagnosis, conventional radiography and ultrasonography (usg) in the diagnosis of odontogenic lesions – A short study. IP Int J Maxillofac Imaging 2023;9(3):125-131
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Received : 25-07-2023
Accepted : 21-08-2023
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