Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 9, Issue : 4, Year : 2023
Article Page : 189-193
Esthetics and psychological distress are the propounding factors which comes into effect when somebody losses the anterior teeth. The compensation of it is of long-drawn-out and demands for an immediate regimen. In these circumstances, it’s the immediate implants placement which offers a simple choice for replacing the lost tooth immediately and hence it is currently considered as a golden treatment modality for replacing a missing tooth. The added benefits of it are less time consuming, involves few steps of surgical procedures and minimal bone resorption as it helps in preserving the vitality of bone receptors immediately after extraction thereby helps in gaining high rates of success of dental implants placed. Here in this article, we are reporting a successful case of immediate implant placed at maxillary anterior canine region which rendered a complete satisfaction to the patient and as well as professionally.
Keywords: Immediate implants, Extraction, Osseointegration, esthetics, Primary stability, Anterior teeth
How to cite : Soujanya V S, Rao P P, Vinuthna M, Dilip, Reddy N A, Kranthi K, Immediate implants” an elegance in anterior maxilla: Case report. IP Int J Maxillofac Imaging 2023;9(4):189-193
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Received : 07-11-2023
Accepted : 11-12-2023
Viewed: 1037
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