Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 2, Issue : 2, Year : 2016
Article Page : 40-45
Objectives: The objective of our study was to measure Radiomorphometric Indice of mandible on hundred Dental Panoramic Radiographs (DPR) taking into account, age and gender of participants and comparing with Ultrasonometry of heel bone mineral density (Calscan) measurements. Also to establish a precise technique for measuring bone mineral density (BMD) in elderly using DPR so as to recommend DPR as a simple screening aid in osteoporotic risk individual in order to prevent and for better management of osteoporosis.
Methods: The study group consisted of hundred subjects with sixty female and forty male subjects who were apparently healthy without any systemic medication. BMD of the heel was assessed by Quantitative ultrasound. Mandibular Cortical Index [MCI] was calculated from measurements obtained from DPR by two examiners. Both inter and intra examiner’s reliability & results of variables such as age and sex were statistically analysed and correlated with Calscan readings.
Results: Results of our study indicated age related bone loss as indicated by calscan. Chi-square analysis for the correlation of MCI with Calscan was found to be 12.41 with significant P value. MCI had sensitivity of 88%, specificity of 39%, positive predictive value of 91%, and negative predictive value of 33% with an overall efficiency of 82% in detecting osteoporosis. But there was no significant correlation found between MCI with age and sex of subjects.
Conclusion: It can be concluded that MCI aids in early diagnosis of osteoporotic patients in the dental office as being at risk for osteoporosis.
Keywords: DPR, MCI, Calscan, BMD
How to cite : Suma Ms, Sujatha Gp, Ashok L, Chaurasia A, Mandibular cortical index as a predictor of skeletal osteoporosis - a panoramic radiographic study. IP Int J Maxillofac Imaging 2016;2(2):40-45
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