Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 10, Issue : 3, Year : 2024
Article Page : 100-107
Background: Osteoporosis is a pandemic, chronic, silent skeletal condition that can cause bone fractures and possibly disability if left untreated. In clinical practice, it frequently goes unnoticed until a fracture develops. Therefore, the study aims to evaluate visually the diagnostic efficacy of panoramic-based mandibular cortex index and trabecular patterns in aged women.
Materials and Methods: Archival Panoramic radiographs of 800 aged women were examined and narrowed to controls (114) and study patients (116). Panoramic-based index i.e., mandibular cortical thickness, and trabecular patterns were visually evaluated.
Results: Dense homogeneous trabeculation and sparse trabeculation were found to be more sensitive and specific on the right side when evaluating Region of Interest 1, while Region of Interest 2 revealed sparse trabeculation. Mandibular Cortical Index in study patients revealed Osteoporotic MCI to be statistically significant when comparing the control. Overall, the control group had a statistically significantly higher Normal MCI (100%), Osteopenia MCI (76.5%), and dense homogeneous trabeculation (100%) score of the right mandibular cortex index than the study group.
Conclusion: Indicators from panoramic radiography may be helpful in triage screening procedures to detect osteoporosis.
Keywords: Mandibular cortex index, Aged women, Osteoporosis, Panoramic radiography, Trabecular pattern.
How to cite : Vishnurao S G, Rao R S, Kumar P, Pandarathodiyil A K, Osteoporotic alterations of mandible in aged women using panoramic radiograph: A multicentric study. IP Int J Maxillofac Imaging 2024;10(3):100-107
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Received : 02-08-2024
Accepted : 28-08-2024
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