Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 10, Issue : 3, Year : 2024
Article Page : 113-116
Background: Periodontal regenerative therapy aims at the recovery of lost periodontal tissue due to disease. The management of intrabony defects in periodontal disease remains a significant clinical challenge, often requiring intricate surgical interventions. This study presents the Non-Incised Papilla Surgical Approach (NIPSA) as an innovative technique for effectively treating intrabony defects while preserving soft tissue architecture.
Case Report : The aim of this case report on the Non-Incised Papillae Surgical Approach (NIPSA) technique is to effectively treat intrabony defects in periodontal therapy while minimizing surgical trauma and preserving soft and hard tissue architecture. NIPSA aims to achieve periodontal regeneration and clinical attachment gain through a minimally invasive approach, reducing patient discomfort and promoting predictable long-term outcomes. This case highlights the efficacy and patient satisfaction associated with the NIPSA technique in managing deep intrabony defects using bovine bone grafts.
Results: The outcome of this case resulted in post-operative healing was uneventful, with minimal discomfort reported by the patient. At the six-month follow-up, clinical examination revealed a significant clinical attachment gain, reduction in probing depth, and mobility, with no bleeding on probing. Radiographic evaluation demonstrated evidence of bone fill within the defect, indicating successful periodontal regeneration.
Conclusion: This case report offers a viable alternative for managing intrabony defects, providing effective treatment outcomes with minimal surgical trauma and enhanced patient satisfaction. Further research and long-term follow-up studies are needed to validate the efficacy and durability of this approach in periodontal therapy.
Keywords: Deep intrabony defect. Minimally invasive, Non- incised papillae, Periodontitis, Periodontal regenerative therapy
How to cite : Patil S M, Swasthik Kalluraya B, Chambole A, Tarannum U, Naaz F, Non-incised papillae surgical approach (NIPSA): A new technique for the treatment of deep intrabony defect: A case report. IP Int J Maxillofac Imaging 2024;10(3):113-116
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Received : 28-07-2024
Accepted : 22-08-2024
Viewed: 765
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