Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 10, Issue : 3, Year : 2024
Article Page : 117-120
'Plunging Ranula’ also referred as ‘Diving Ranula’ or ‘Cervical Ranula’ or ‘Penetrating Ranula is rarely seen in children. They most commonly occur in second and third decade of life and represents a deep type of ranula that is seen in the floor of the mouth and extends to involve the submandibular and submental space. The present article showcases occurrence of a huge plunging ranula in a 13-year-old male Indian patient and its treatment aspect. As many other intraoral swellings or cysts seen in the floor of the mouth mimicking different pathology knowledge about its occurrence, diagnosis and detailed treatment is highly essential among all pediatric professionals to escape from the misdiagnosis.
Keywords: Plunging ranula, Ranula, Surgical removal, Floor of the mouth, Pediatric patient
How to cite : Umashankar K V, Khan M M, Prasad S, Nagaveni N B Nagaveni N B, Plunging ranula in a pediatric patient: A rare case report. IP Int J Maxillofac Imaging 2024;10(3):117-120
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Received : 20-08-2024
Accepted : 14-09-2024
Viewed: 504
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