Review Article
Author Details :
Volume : 10, Issue : 4, Year : 2024
Article Page : 149-152
The most frequent site of trauma and a major contributor to morbidity and mortality in children is the head. Facial fractures in very young children are rare because of their larger cranial-to-facial volume ratio and face elastic cartilage composition compared to adults. Age-specific fracture patterns are determined by facial growth and differ from those of adults mostly because of paranasal sinus pneumatization and secondary dentition eruption. Paediatric patients may sustain isolated face fractures. Because of their distinct physical and developmental traits, children require sophisticated care and assessment techniques. A thorough understanding of related injuries is essential since face fractures frequently occur in conjunction with more extensive trauma. Potential airway compromise, head trauma, and concurrent injuries should receive special attention.
Keywords: Paediatric care, Facial injuries, Trauma, Kids, Diagnosis.
How to cite : Dubey S, A review on craniofacial trauma in children. IP Int J Maxillofac Imaging 2024;10(4):149-152
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Received : 29-10-2024
Accepted : 01-12-2024
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